
Prefixes & legacy commands

While Qbot does contain support for legacy commands, use of slash commands is highly encouraged, as you can take advantage of user and role autocompleting, and having all of your bot's commands and usage appear as soon as you type /.

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Open Qbot's configuration

If you just logged in to your VPS, run cd qbot to enter Qbot's directory. Then, you can run nano src/config.ts to open the configuration in a text editor. Read this for a refresher on how to use this editor.

Use Ctrl+W to search for legacyCommands, which contains the settings mentioned on this page. These are the default settings for legacy commands:

legacyCommands: {
    enabled: true,
    prefixes: ['q!'],

Toggling legacy commands

Legacy commands can be enabled or disabled by changing the legacyCommands.enabled property to true or false (no quotes). Legacy commands are on by default with one prefix: q!s

Legacy prefixes

The / prefix is reserved for slash commands. You cannot receive the same experience as slash commands with a legacy/custom prefix.

Within the quotes to the right of prefixes, you can type out your desired legacy prefixes. To add multiple, put a comma after the current quotes and create another after, like so:

prefixes: ['q!', 'q?']

Save your changes

Press Ctrl+X, then y, then enter to save your changes in nano. To restart Qbot, run this command:

pm2 restart 0
Configuring permissions